Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Healthy Breakfast

Is your breakfast healthy?

A strong connection has recently been discovered between bad breakfast and many health-related problems.
As you might know, our body consists of 100 trillion cells which need 114 various nutrients during the day.
What you ate yesterday consists of two major groups of elements.
The first group supplies energy (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates).
The second group supplies building materials (amino acids, vitamins, minerals, microelements, and others).
You spent energy yesterday when you were awake, and your body used the building materials at night to regenerate itself.
Besides, your body has spent one (1) liter of water during the night through breathing, sweating, and morning visit to the bathroom.
So, your body wakes up empty in the morning and on behalf of 100 trillion cells begs you, "Hey, give me back all the nutrients, energy, and water I spent in the last 24 hours."  You may not feel hungry or thirsty in the morning, but it's just a matter of time.
And now, let's see what you are giving your body in the morning.

Now, what is really a healthy breakfast?
Criteria of a good breakfast:
1. Provides the body with all vital nutrients
2. Provides the body with energy
3. Provides the body with water
4. Helps to maintain a normal blood sugar level

Where can you find it?
You can find it in the Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix! Get good nutrition first thing in the morning!
Replace nutrients spent at night for body repair at the cellular level. You will get a nutrient-packed breakfast providing your body with

·         Balanced meal
·         Soy-based protein
·         Good carbohydrates
·         Fiber
·         Vitamins and minerals
·         Proper nutrition
·         Water
·         Amino acids
·         Phytonutrients
·         Anti-oxidants

Have more energy during the day.  Feed your cells, not just your stomach. Control your hunger and cravings. Improve your mood because you feel great from inside out!!!  Your blood sugar is controlled because you will not experience the blood sugar swing as discussed above.
Herbalife Shake has fiber and is easily digested so it is great for the colon, too.  It's less 150 calories only yet complete in essential nutrients that our one and only body needs!!! One serving of Herbalife Shake is equivalent to 9 nutritious balanced meals without the extra calories! That's the amount of nutrients you'll be getting from this incredible shake.
It's my healthy breakfast.  What about yours?
The basic idea of the healthy breakfast is to provide the body with good nutrition at the cellular level.  We have trillions of cells to feed.

Step 1:  Clean the digestive system.

Herbal Aloe Concentrate support internal cleansing and healthy elimination with organic nutrients and enzymes from the aloe vera plant.  These support the body's self-cleansing action.  These soothes the stomach and relieves occasional indigestion.  They also boost the immune system.

Herbal Tea Concentrate has antioxidant and thermogenic benefits of green tea and fast-acting botanicals for energy and weight-management support.
The "ABCDE" in TeaA - Anti-cancer (since it is a good source of anti-oxidants)
B - Fat burner
C - Improves blood circulation
D - Detoxifies your cells
E - Increases energy

Healthy Meal
The Healthy Meal is composed of the Nutritional Shake Mix ("shake") and Personalized Protein Powder (PPP).

The healthy Nutritional Shake Mix (or simply, shake) is a key part of Herbalife ShapeWorks inner nutrition product. This is designed by Dr. Sat Paul Dewan, who identified 84 of the nutrition elements in space food for the astronauts in some NASA space projects.  This high quality, low calorie nutritious pure food is specially formulated with an exclusive blend of soy isolate, casein, proteins, 24 essential vitamins & minerals, essential fatty acids, herbs, and essential nutrients.  This provides 19 amino acids including the nine essential amino acids that our body needs but does not produce by itself.  This also provides anti-oxidants that help our body fight disease-causing free radicals.

The Personalized Protein Powder (PPP) is made of soy isolate protein and whey protein.  This is added to the healthy Nutritional Shake Mix to meet your optimum protein requirement. The amount of PPP is personalized based on your current height and weight.  Protein is needed to build and/or maintain muscles.

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